Done! Here are the top 2 software
(with pricing) based on your answers...

Based on publicly available information and customer interviews


✅ Scheduling widget and pages for FREE
✅ Your own branded website at $20/m
✅ Branded iOS & Android app at $89/m
✅ Magic links for FREE
✅ Free Email, SMS, Mobile Push Bulk messaging and Marketing automation
✅ Reserve With Google feature for FREE
✅ Free dedicated product coach
✅ Free integration with Classpass, Wellhub, etc.
Get Kenko free forever


⚠️  Scheduling widget starts at $200/m
⚠️ Your own branded website in the $200/m
⚠️ Branded app only on the $399/m plan
❌ Magic links are unavailable
❌ Basic marketing automation feature starting at $200/m
❌ RWG feature is unavailable
⚠️  Only Email and chat support
✅  Integrates with marketplaces
Try Kenko for free